Invitation to a cozy afternoon

The long wait for the children will soon come to an end. Christmas is around the corner! Before the Christmas break, we invite all children and parents to a cozy afternoon on 21st Dec 2018. We would also be very happy to see former Luv & Lee children and their parents again. And if grandma and grandpa also want to come, they are also invited.

Lee 1, Lee 2 and Luv invite you to a singing circle at 3 pm. Afterwards you can eat mountains of cake and biscuits (the children are already baking …) and drink some coffee or, if you prefer, juice. If you feel like doing something then join us in the movement room or get creative in our studio room. Moreover, some quieter areas invite you to linger and talk.

We look forward to a few sociable and contemplative moments, your Kita Luv and Lee

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